Dec 7, 2011

Tks old foreign Friend ! :)

Thank you very much when had sent me many beautiful great fantastic picture. I uploaded all to Facebook so that I can see them easily. Sure enough, all of the places is look like paradise that I cant help liking them. He has been really lucky and happy when having chance to come such kind of place. Maybe there are many places I never can come but I also feel glad to look at their picture. Still, being alive and healthy to look at them are the luckiness and happiness as well!:) - Because why ?????????
I read my sister's blog and continue to admire such kind of woman. In this life, to meet the woman like that - really not much. I respect and admire her - Wish her be healthy, stay strong and all the best to her...:)! : ( that woman here, I am sorry because this site is VietNamese and I didnt translate :( ^^