Jul 31, 2011

Dinh Quan here is so different!

I cant believe why the atm here is so boring like this. The weather is not suitable for me, let alone some one around. It is raining the whole day and I want to go back to my home. I dont feel any fun here and also not suitable for stay here again although I understand a bit about the habit and custom here of my friend's house. They have so much difference with me, but i realize that they have deep feeling between Mom and daughter, Husband and wife, grandmother and granddaughter, cousin and cousin...very different and I rarely see this relationship. Despite my sadness here, I feel that I respect them very much, they r closed together and they care of others, they dont be like me - selfish, inconsiderate, cold hearted, cold shoulder and quiet. Anyhow, i am also not familiar with their lifestyle and difficult to adapt.
Well,I also have just talked straightly wih the old Boss but maybe the situation also not better. The end. Disssssssssss! If I have to die, I also should die better than meet again! Bad, very bad! Fucking! I feel that I belong to the type of the "evil" person while refering to this stuff. Crazy, very crazy! Damn! Still, I do like one American girl's motto and I believe I can follow her motto. Believe me, this Diep can do it! Not so hard!

Return to my boredom here, I think if I go with all of my coworkers, maybe, it is another story, fun, sure! Very fun, and I only can wait for the end of this month. Saying so but I see it all depends on my mood and my habit. It difficult to be closed with others although I was good at this stuff previously. I swear I was excellent at this stuff. Maybe I have studied this personality of some one around! Oh man, how can be like this!
Today is Sunday and I am not at home. I didnt meet that Chinese man and I feel that now I like his appearance (very look like that Japanese man) though I dont know anything about his characteristic, maybe also same same..., Yes, Ms Trang - my coworker knows very clearly, asking her, she will answer without any hesitation. Still, I like!

I should be calm down and return to my crazy mood now! Kisssssss........meeeeeeee! Oh whenever I look at my picture at the top of my bed, I also want to kiss her very much, She is lovely in that picture and I want to look at me forever like me in that picture. Kissssssssss Meeeeeeeeeeee! ^0^ ^x^ HiHi