Aug 17, 2013

Short hair!

New hairstyle but I prefer to tie my hair up!!! Feel difficult to change into short hair!
Therefore, dare not to cut more shorter! -.- -.-

Aug 10, 2013

New Restaurant - Longducterrace

Long time, really long time, I didnt come here. I even dont remember this blog as I have so much thing to do, to think and to take care. I only come here when I actually have nothing to care. 0_0 at least this moment is right, nothing to care ^^
Over the past time, have many stories.........Let it be..., have much feeling......& Let it be too...

Now, I m going to new place - far from home (only some days). This is a branch of Amaterrace Restaurant - one more beautiful Japanese Restaurant - Longducterrace.

^^ :) :) Wherever I go, I like to keep the memory and I love All here!! ^^