Mar 20, 2012

Good Bye FB!

Lastly today my FB account also is blocked and I couldnt contact to everyone as usual. Still a bit sad but I dont mind as I know it is time to leave there and find a new playground. I dont try to reget my account by this way or that way, I let it like that although I set up another account. But all of photos and K sentence will disappear if I dont reget it. But maybe I let it slide for a long time from now on, maybe wont get it later, even never again. But who care? I dont want to wonder and wander over there at least in some month later.
Over the past few month, my feeling has changed very much and I decided to leave my usual place to come to new destination. Lastly I also can make up my mind ( of course have some help from people around me), I feel that I need incentive from others in this life as I cant decide my decision.
Thanks to FB, I know some one who is living far away from me but have the same hobby and some characteristic. I dont need to know if it is real or fake, I only know I really had a good time with FB friends over the past time, mainly is K friends. And my level also has improved very much. I will remember FB and my FB friends but I think every party also have to end.
Good bye and See U later ( if we have that day)!
Miss U and Thank you very much!!!
^^ ^^

Mar 14, 2012

A New Life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^^

You cant step the next chapter of your life if You keep re-reading the last one.
Diep - keep trying and You can do it! Fighting ^^

Mar 9, 2012


Before you speak: THINK
T: Is it true
H: Is it helpful
I: Is it Inspiring
N: Is it necessary
K: Is it kind