This is the kind of fruit I eat much most in this year! Because why? Not by mom bought it much, it is simply that my company has bought it continuously. Sure, that is it. I have to admit I am the lazy girl who dont want to cut fruit, maybe also lazy for eating them ?! I think eating fruit is not really my interest, so I am lazy cutting them (except some special fruit, but very rarely). Still, if having person to cut fruit, that is the great thing to me ^^. At home, I have mom, at company I have my coworkers. Therefore I dont know if I can be better when no one cut for me, of course I have to do by myself, but briefly, I am still lazy in this stuff. ^^ :)
The last conclusion in this case is that I am really lazy at cooking, cutting fruit or doing any other housewife's work :( :( ( lazy is not mean " not good" haha...)