I am so happy today because of many things around, although a bit worry - wonder about some matter (get related to Mom but I will try to skip).
At random I fixed my glasses successfully, I have discovered new thing to follow, I have new friend and I start to review Nihongo while reviewing others, my level of dancing is better (maybe have to go to Bar soon to test :)**^0^), etc, etc...! Great...
Moreover, I have just read an article on yahoo site and I am glad because I look like what they said. Oh man how can I be like that, why can I look like that. Oh crazy, incredible, fantastic, wonderful, amazing, haha, haha...
Well, from now on I have to try to put here many things in Hankukmal, even Hanyu and Nihongo, Oh maybe, maybe. Oh sure, sure. :) :)
Oh lady, lady, lady! Oh lady, lady, lady! Oh funny, freedom, simple! Oh crazy, crazy, crazy....Hehehe, hihihi...