I start to like new hairstyle! I will spend time on this stuff but sure not much because i will be bored quickly.
I recall my childhood when I was taught how to make braid by an elder sister and other child often teased me. I was embarrassed and dislike her. But now, I feel that she had taught me some useful stuff, at least I have something to do with the simple hair. And now I dont have the feeling of being embarrassed anymore because I only feel it is normal and I am ready to face up to such kind of tease-saying! Maybe my passion has brought me this sensation. Obviously, my passion make me confident. And the more I read books, the more I realize some famous saying is really right!
I snapped some shot. I take them by myself, so they are not unnatural. But I will look at them later because I like to look at them! ^ ^
Well, my younger sister is so nice and kind. She has money and bought the family gift. I like most the scarf. Wow, so lovely. She is really thoughtful and skillful! ^ ^ Now she has got a part time job at a fashion store where there r many Japanese customer. She liked to study Nihongo and this is really the ideal environment for her. I am happy for her, my family too. Wishing all the best to her and her level of foreign language and sales. Best wishes!