I joined 2 wedding party last year as a girl who support in the bride's side ( in VN wedding, we need about 4 or 5 girls and 4 or 5 boys to bring gifts. When the groom come to the bride's house, groom's side will bring gifts to bride's side and bride's side will receive gifts. Boys and girls will hand gifts over together). Yes, I played the role like that. What I wanna to tell here is that so far, the bride and the groom in 1 wedding had said goodbye after living together for some month. This 2 wedding similar about 1 thing : both groom and bride are a bit old, about 40. But I think if they said goodbye and felt comfortable for this, they did that as a best solution. About another wedding, they r living happily (i only guess). But I recently heard that The groom want to study abroad while the bride nearly give birth. oh, I dont know how they r now but i think they also will go to best solution.
Some photos from 2 wedding party! How we look like? The modern Vietnamese girls in the traditional costume - AODAI. Hihihihihiiihhih