Nov 27, 2009


To day, I cant speak up in front of my class like previous representation and it seems to be my weakness, to say no thing of accounting. How disappointed and ashamed! I don’t have that skill “make representation”, very sad and “oh my bad”
Parents made me annoyed when referred to buy a new shelf for me. I needn’t anything, don’t have to buy for me! Par should save money more and more! I am bored with this: saving, saving, always saving… too stingy or too thrifty?! I wonder, really marvel?!
Why didn’t mom buy a new chopping-board which is necessary now for the kitchen?! The old one is so old that it needs relaxing!
And dad, why must ask me about buying shelf. I know clearly his temper and I should refuse. Moreover, I really needn’t! ^0^ ^0^
Sorry all, I have been in a bad mood from this noon so I am negative! huhuhu
All is my mistake, my fault, I am stupid and crazy!
I have finished one more topic in this course! Keep trying at last topic!
Well thank you Mr Dang coz he fixed my computer. It was out of order some days ago that made me worried a lot! Thxxxxxxxx! Wish all luck, have a nice weekend!