Oh, one more memorable day in saigon. I had one day at KOOL shop and one night at eatery at 7 dict. All was so luxury that I feel unnatural and uncomfortable. It simply that I don’t belong to there and between she and me, I begin to realize a gap and I think she is too. I seem to passive and quiet at there, in the taxi and in that small restaurant coz I cant be talkative when I go with her.Unlike previous time, I cant be funny as well as enjoyed myself at some place where I used to wish to come. Eating out is so great but eat out with …yes, I feel sad and that was not my real emotion.Maybe I have studied a lot of things and discovered more many interesting things at this bustle and hustle city.When we have lots of money we can spend it on doing anything we like without worrying that whose it is coz it is ours .yaaaaaaaaaaayeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! so tryyyyyyyyyyyyyy!Money moneyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Ah today I had a good time with Phuong – my classmate who come from Hai Phong which is famous for many things. I am curious to visit her homeland as well as being eager to hear her plan about travel and discovery! ( my favorite hobby).Her father is so good at foreign languages and she is too!waaaaaaa
She is so nice and funny and hilarious that she made me happy and gaily.hahaahha
I hope we will have a good time with her and friends as she planned today!so crazyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, I welcome and expect so much!
And now I have some photos which I and some members of “teamwork” snapped at Kool where I spent a lot of minutes to find out last Sunday!Too “lemon – question” and too “preening” hheeeeeeeeeehe. I begin to like this group and I realize that “ teamwork” is so great if we know ways to work and combine together!YES